Thursday, September 27, 2007

That's it!!!

That's it. I quit!!!! I have been trying to get a template besides the lamo ones that blogger gives you to chose from and I just can't! I don't know how you peoples do it, but you somehow manage to get these all so creative templates, when here I am, stuck trying to figure out where to find a unique template, none the less put a profile picture on! So just in the case that someone missed it, a while back I put a comment (aka. a hint) about not knowing how to add a profile picture and really, really, really, (did I mention really?) wanting to know how to add one. (aka. a flat out cry of desparation, not just a hint) And would anyone come to the helpless aid of Lanae`? Oh no, no no, my friends, that's not a happenin'! Lanae's stuck trying to meander her way through blog world trying to add a picture all on her lonesome. So, without further ado, *big, pleading, kitty cat eyes*please people, a little technical help here!

Oh, goodness. It totaly just hit me!!! You guys are trying to help me by not showing me how to add a profile picture! See the logic behind that is that if you don't show me how to put one on, then when I post to other peoples blogs, randomly passing by people won't be afraid to come to my site because I have a picture of me to scare them away. Ahhhh, I get it. That makes sense. Thanks guys, what true friends you all are! :o)

Nothin new, yet I post.

So there's not been anything too exciting going on w/me. I'm to work early today. That's exciting! Granted I had to wake up 30 minutes early to get this blessed feeling of being the only one in the office this early. I don't think that I'll be making too much of a habit about it. :-)

Mom and the kids have been sick all week and I'm hoping that they hurry up and get over all that so that I never get it. Every morning I feel nauseous and contemplate whether it's a sick day or not but for some reason I start to feel better so I end up going to work after all. I tell you, I can't even convince myself that I'm sick enough to stay home.

I have a massage scheduled for this afternoon. I'm pretty excited about that one. I haven't had one professional done before but our insurance deductable has been payed off for quite some time so I decided that since it wasn't going to cost very much I might as well go for it since my back has been acting weird and I'll be in there for a chiropractor adjustment anyways.

well I am hearing other work force peoples coming in so I shall go. ta ta for now

Friday, September 14, 2007

So my real estate class went OK. I can definitely say that I was the youngest person there. It went pretty much like I thought it would. I already knew everything that they taught, but it was still a good thing to get me moving again, I seem to get a little distracted sometimes and forget about my goals. :0) Any who, they almost talked me into going down to their 3 day seminar which is six hours away. One of the days is on a Sunday so I decided against it. But my was it oh so tempting! Har har, "We are going to give you a three day seminar worth $3,000 for only this one time incredible price of $199! And plus you get to bring a friend or mate for free! But wait, there's more! You also you get our 'start now' kit so that you can go home and start today! complete with 30 legal contract forms to make you completely sure that your contracts work for you, the investor, and not against you!" Yup, it was that good. So, I guess I'll just sum it up by saying that I would totally do it again. I know, I'm weird. :-) So folks, you now know that if you have some ultra boring seminar/speech/class that you have to go to, you should seriously invite me, because you know I would still make it fun. :-)

Dad gets home some time tomorrow from hunting so maybe I'll start to get some sleep again. :-) I've been getting less than 6 hours of sleep all week, and about an average of 5 each night. As pastor says "when the cat's away the mice play". Funny thing is that all of the times that I was up until past midnight this week was when I was either doing laundry at the laundry mat, or cleaning. Aren't you entirely jealous of the oh so exciting life I live?! :-) Off to do more laundry my friends....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don't Worry Be Happy!

Ok ya'll. You need to go down under my links and click on the 'Don't Worry Be Happy" link. It's real cute. I tried just posting it on my blog but it was trying to have me post 4 at a time, so whatever, I'm feeling a little technology challenged. :-)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Da class

Well I'm going to some class tomorrow night about Foreclosures in Realestate. I am laughing at myself for signing up for it, but hay, it is a totally Lanae` thing to do. :o) My sister thinks I'm nuts for going, but I'm all excited about it. I'm sure that I'm going to learn all kinds of crazy stuff. My Mom warned me not to get sucked into buying some program but I don't think that I'll get too carried away with it all. I don't want to start buying foreclosed properties, I am just interested in learning more about realestate.

There was a bunch of other jibberish that I was going to put on here, but I am going to get some sleep instead. Later my friends.


Monday, September 03, 2007

Family Reunion Pictures...finally!

This top picture is of Grandma and Grandpa Clark and all of us others at the reunion this July. We're all squashed in there, so I'm not going to try and tell you the names of all of us peoples in this picture, you'll have to look down in the other pictures to find out who goes with who.
Top left is Ella, top right is Leah, and Uncle Charlie and Auntie Julie are sitting with Grandma and Grandpa.
We have Uncle Sam, Auntie Cheryll and Zach w/Grandpa and Grandma.And here we have Sleepy, and Dopey, and Grumpy, and... oh wait, this is my family, not the seven dwarfs, sorry. :0)Uncle Daniel, Edik and Kendra, w/Grandma and Grandpa. Unfortunately, Aunt Jo had to go back home for work so she's not in this picture. This is Grandpa's shed that we added onto, or rather, the shed that the Uncles added onto. The rest of us did easy labor such as getting rocks (illegally?) from the beach.

More Family Reunion Pictures.

All of us grandchildren were out on the beach collecting rocks for the shed they were adding onto at Grandpa's. I'm not sure if it was legal or not, but I think that the beach still looked pretty full when we were done. So no harm done there. As you can see, the picture taker, Auntie Julie, has a thing for dramatic action poses. I'm sure that none of you will have no problem seeing how our personalities are related. :0)

-Left to right we have Ella, Kendra and Ashley- -Left to right we have Edik, Foster, and Mason (who you can tell isn't really getting into this)- Edik is a kid from Georgia, Russia that comes and stays with my Uncle Daniel for about six weeks every year. He's not family, but he sure is a kick to be around. Foster and him didn't have too much problems getting over the language barrier thing. It was really hard to see them leave because it's very unlikely that we see him again.

While we were down there, Auntie Julie and Ella took Tori, Mason and I, on a hike. It wasn't your usual hike, she told us that it was a seven mile beach walk. It is about 2 miles on a trail down to the ocean and then flat hard sand after that. Ok, that sounds fine, but come to find out that was actually 9 miles total and the flat hard sand is only there at extreme low tide. And since we went at high tide we ended up hiking on soft sand (not the kind that you walk barefoot in), soft gravel and huge rocks that you had to climb over part of the time. All of these pictures were taken with in the first 5 miles of the hike, and it's a good thing that we didn't take any after pictures because I'm sure that I wasn't looking the brightest. All in all it was a good hike because I was able to spend time with my cousin and auntie, and I also got a great leg workout. But I think that next time we'll have to spend a little more quality time together on the lawn or something. :0)
There was about 21 of these Sea Lions sitting all together on rocks. They didn't seam like they were very far away, but it was rather hard to tell since one splash of water looked like the next. This is my lovely cousin Ella with Auntie Julie. This was taken on the part of the hike before we actually hit the beach. There were the coolest rocks on the beach, I probably could have crawled up and slept for hours by this point of the hike.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

The narrative of Lanae's afternoon.....

Our story today takes place at about 4:50PM on a delightful Thursday afternoon. (Delightful at 4PM, although at 7:40AM it wasn't so delightful to walk out and feel the chill of a fall morning and see, yes my friends it's true, the first dew/frost of winter on my car window. Whahaha!Sniffle, Sob.). Ahem, and back to the story...

I was happily minding my own business and trying to clear the piles off my desk before the work day came to a close. As I walked into my Dad's office and started putting away my files I couldn't help but notice him pondering at his computer and then switching his head back to the calendar right before he picked up the phone.

Going on in Lanae's mind: lalala, I'm so glad it's almost five, hmn. Where does this file go anyways? lalala.....

Dad picks up the phone and calls Mom: Hello...bla bla bla... So I got this email from Hawaiian Airlines..bla bla bla..

Going on in Lanae's mind: Oh, Hawaiian Airlines huh? That's pretty cool, Mom has really been wanting to go to Hawaii, she'll be really happy. I wonder if they're taking the kids?

Dad says to Mom: ...November 28 through December 8th......

Going on in Lanae's mind: Hmn. they're going to get back the day after my 19th Birthday, that's pretty cool, hmn. What am I going to do this year? Bleh, I hate planning my own parties, we'll probably do the family thing... Oh, but they're still going to be here for the day after Thanksgiving shopping, I wonder what day after thanksgiving shopping is like in Hawaii....

Dad says to Mom: Well what about such and such dates? If we left on the....

Going on in Lanae's mind: I wonder what Hawaii looks like in December? Now where did I put that file...silly girl. I hope it's nice and warm for them, oh but not too warm, Mason would complain about the heat... Oh to be young again and be able to take off work at such a whim...think savings fund Lanae` think savings fund!!

Dad says to Mom: Oh, you're here, OK I"ll see you up here..

Mom and the kids romp in, Mom goes into Dad's office, Foster goes to see Tori and Gary, Mason and Ashley ramble around the office as I explain to them that they need to sit somewhere and be quiet because people are still here. Der.

I go out to my car to get clothes to change into so that I can clean tonight.

Going on in Lanae's mind: Wow it's nice out here. Now where are my pants anyways? I hope that they get to go, I'm sure Hawaii would be a blast in the middle of winter. I'm sure it's a blast anytime! Oh come on Lanae`, stop that, you are going to go on your Missions trip, remember?! Wow, I really need to vacuum out my car...Don't be suckered into their trip, it won't take too long for you to save up for your trip, and you've been planning this for a while. And don't forget about your other savings accounts, you have plans, and a budget!....

By the time I got back upstairs, 10 minutes later, Dad was clicking all over the place on his computer and Mom was on another computer typing in Car rental sites.

Lanae` says to Mom: So are you guys going?

Mom says to Lanae`: Yes, we are!! Isn't it awesome! Hey, what's that one website address...

Dad and Tori: But School....Great price.....Winter's cold.....Hawaii's warm....

Lanae's says to Tori: Are you going?

Tori replies: Ya, I think so, It's just the right time for Christmas break.... But I wonder if I can afford to do it, with school and all.

Going on in Lanae's mind: Nice. Just go off and leave me in the dead of winter to die! Way to care sis', way to care! Oh, but she would love the sunshine! Well, I like the sun too! Whoa! Hold up there tiger: savings Lanae`, savings! You gotta stay focused.

Tori asks Lanae`: Are you going?

Lanae` replies: No.

Mom says to Lanae`: What? What do you mean? Of course you are, you have to, it will be so much fun!

Lanae` replies: Ya, I know, but I have to work, and I'm going on my missions trip so I shouldn't spend the money, and...bla bla bla.....

Dad says: Well it's not like we go to Hawaii that often....

Lanae`: I know.

Mom: You can afford it!

Lanae`: Well it's not the plain ticket price, it's just that I've already taken off my paid vacation this year so I can't really afford to do it again.

Dad: Ok, so we're going from the 5th to the 18th. Tori, you'll be going from the 12th to the 18th. OH cool, we'll all be able to fly home together.

Lanae`: What? All that for just one week Tori?! I would have to take at least 2 weeks!

Dad: Well you know, there's allways work for you in Hawaii...

Lanae`: What do you mean?

Dad: Well our files are a mess over there and I'm sure that everyone would appreciate if you put together a new filing system... You could work for part of the time....

Going on in Lanae's mind: Wow, did he really just say that? Well Lanae`, you always tease about just wanting to be sent to Hawaii to fix some shipping problem or other. Budget Lanae`!

Lanae`: Whoa, you're right. I could work quite a bit of the time.

Mom: Well, just on the weekdays right? You couldn't work all the time, we have to go to the beach and......

Lanae`: Well, I guess I could, since I wouldn't be losing that much money, I would spend money though. I always do....

Going on in Lanae's mind: Hey there, kill the motor dude! Did I seriously just hear you say that you're going on this trip???!!! What about.....bla bla bla......mind rambles on with logical thinking... bla bla bla....

Tori: Wait, but if you don't go, then I have to pay double in gas to Anc. and what car am I going to drive?

Lanae`: You're not going to drive my car with the way it's been acting!

Dad: Oh with you're disposable money, your car will be in fine shape by then!... You could take my car Tori.

Tori: Oh, ya, that's like better gas mileage than my truck by like double!


This is the part of the story folks where I seem to have drawn a blank. I know not what I was thinking or what I said, but somehow I was suddenly making plans to go swimming in the ocean, boogie boarding in the waves, spending time in Hilo with the Family and flying inter-Island to work a few days in Kapolei, Mopeding with Tori in Waikiki, going to the water park at least 4 times, getting sunburned, getting crazy tanning lines, shopping at the Aloha Stadium, getting Christmas gifts in Hawaii, Spending my 19th birthday in Hawaii, Need I go on?

I am quite physicked to say the least!!!

So, I'm flying out with Dad, Mom and the kids on the 5th, Tori comes in on the 12th, Tori and I leave and come back on the 18th, and Mom and Dad come back on the 21st. It's going to be marvelous my friends, just marvelous!!!

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Well well.

Wow, that's kind of crazy. I didn't realize that I hadn't posted in so long. I kind of see a trend going on too. You'll see on the right hand side next to all of the months that they go up and down and then up and back down. Way to be consistent Lanae`!

Anywho. I didn't really have anything to post about. But then again, I don't usually and I just start jabbering. And Whala! We end up with something that resembles a posting. :o)

I have a ton of pictures that I want to post from last week when five of us girls from Church went fishing. 240 pictures to be exact. And yes everyone, Lanae` did have fun fishing. Actually it was a ton of fun. It was Rebekah, Joanna, Lisa, Tori, my Dad, Pastor, and myself. The water was so warm that we were able to swim (now you know why Lanae` had fun). I love going to that lake. I haven't gone since I was really young and it brought back allot of memories.

I have a temporary girl helping me at the office and it's a big blessing. I get really tired of constantly being behind, and things can get really stressful so it's nice to have another girl to share some of the load.

One of the missionaries that's coming up for the missions conference next week is staying with us along with his wife and 2 kids. I'm really looking forward to it, we don't usually get to spend much time with the missionaries because they are always at the Pastor's, so it will be good to hear about what they are doing over in Australia. Oh wait, maybe not. Now I can't even remember where they're from. Hmn. OK, well I'll let ya know once I find out. I should probably find out before they get here too...

We had a good 4th of July. We went over and hung out at the pastor's house for their annual picnic and water fight. He had a really cool water balloon war game set out too. It would take forever to explain, so I won't. :- ) Oh, but one down side to the day was that we are watching our friend Sydney's 2 dogs and they got out of their cage and decided that it was just about time for Thanksgiving and they somehow managed getting into the turkey's cage and killing 7 of our 9 turkeys. They other two are rather mangled but still alive. So that was a lovely little surprise to have to spend the 4th of July afternoon plucking Turkeys. Well, as dad said. At least we didn't have to look forward to having to do it. There was no anticipation whatsoever, so we didn't even have to dread it! And our friends Aaron and Dave offered to help out so that always makes a job go faster. I'm sure They'll never forget the 4th of July that he helped the Clarks butcher Turkeys!

Well. I did it again. I managed to get 6 paragraphs out. Well I don't know if you can call them actual paragraphs, more like random thoughts. Good night everyone. :-)

Saturday, June 16, 2007

I call it Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone. Nothing too grand and exciting going on here. We are having a garage sale today and it ends in like 1 hour. Yup. I'm ready for it to be over. Not that I've really done a ton of work or anything, but I hate how as soon as someone walks up, and you know that it's not the garage sale for them, but yet they still feel the need to walk oh so slowly around the garage and look interested so not to offend you, all the while I just sit there and try to look pleasant. Yes, it's oh so hard for a happy person like me to just sit and look pleasant. :o)

Oh, and in grander news, I washed my car today. Well, I'm not sure who washed it. Tori started to because I was letting her use my car wash stuff, and then I jumped in w/her. But ya, I decided that it's depressing to wash your car. Seriously. You spend all of that time washing, and rinsing and washing and rinsing, and then you have to hand dry it so that it doesn't get splotchy, (just figured that one out) and then you have to spray the wheels and shine them, and then you have to look up and notice that you missed a spot so you wash and rinse some more, and then dry it all over again. And while you go over your precious car with a fine tooth comb (Well not an actual comb, because that would scratch it. Duh.) you notice every little scratch and dent and streak in your car. It's really sad and depressing. I knew that there were scratches on the car when I bought it, but now there's some on my back end that weren't there before. So my deep thought for the day is: Go and pay to have your car washed so that you can remain innocently ignorant about the scratches on your car and just be happy that it's all shiny. Oh, and gee wiz. You are going to save yourself a bucket load of time by going through the car wash. Oh, and since I'm in the mood for dealing, you get that tip for free.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

It's Raining!!!!

Yay!!! It's raining, and I mean really raining! I am so excited. I can not believe how much I love the rain. Well, I say that because I haven't lived some place like Juneau where it allways rains, but for now, being in the place that I am, I love the rain! I am trying to talk my dad into going jogging with me tonight after bible school. I have been dying to jog in the rain all week, and Monday when I went jogging I thought that it would start pouring any minute, but it had to be real nice and not rain until I was driving home. Ugh. Such is life, eh?

I have been really enjoying Vacation Bible School at church this week. Phil put me in charge of snacks which is cool. I am rather dissapointed in myself though. I wanted to do food themes to match the bible lessons, but so far only Monday and Friday are going to match. The week theme is High Marks in Mark. And if you'll notice, the high marks in mark are about blind men being healed, and guys who can't walk being healed, Matthew stealing money, ect. So I couldn't think of anything, and my handy dandy google didn't help much either. So, they get all exciting snacks like pop corn, or brownies, yes, I know, so typical. :-]

Well, I need to go and get ready to leave for bible school. I'm not sure what it is that I need to get ready, but I'm sure that I'll think of something! :-)

Oh, and if it's possible. I'm even more happy about the rain now than I was a few minutes ago when I started writing this post. Because it's RAINING even MORE!!!!! Yay for the rain!!!

Thursday, May 31, 2007


Well my friends, I graduated. And although it was such a marvelously fun time to spend hours and hours with a billion and one books over the last 13 years, I think that I'm glad it's over. Here are a few pictures from the graduation. I enjoyed the ceremony, and we had a really good speaker. Really good, as in we actually were able to get something out of what he said. :o) I would say the only down fall of the night was when I decided to test my speach capabilities, and thank my parents, friends, and God, etc.. Well, let's just make this story short and put it this way, if you're going to say something to a few hundred people, stand a bit closer to the microphone, adjust it to your height, and maybe speak a little bit louder and don't get suddenly emotional and just about cry. There you go, words of wisdom from the Graduate. :o)

I graduated with a bunch of people that I actually knew. (this is amazing for the homeschooler) This is me and Heidi, I think that we got a picture of Tobi w/ us girls, but I am going to have to steal that one from who ever's camera it was on.

Dad and I...

Jenni and I...

Emily and I...

Kassandra and I...

And... The Mommy, the Lanae` and the Dad! (just in case you guys didn't know that)

Graduation Party!!

Graduation was fun, but I think that I had the most fun afterwards at the party at the church. Let's just say that my dad can pick some awsome games... :0)

Kassandra and I bobbing for ding dongs in milk. (our version of bobbing for apples, way funner, and a bit sweeter too.)

We did one of those skits where you have two people behind a sheet, one person is the head and uses their hands for the feet, and the other person is the hands. What they were acting out, was Heidi, Tobi, and I growing up. We (Kassandra played the girls and Mike played Tobi) had to learn how to dress ourselves, feed ourselves, read our bibles, shave, put makeup on, etc. Here's just a few of the pictures:

That's Mike on the left (not the right, silly) with Jordan being his hands, and that's Kassandra on the right, with Tori being her hands.

Apparently Tori thought that Kassandra needed more lip gloss!

Mike learns how to shave.

This is Jordan and Mike "bobbing" for marshmellows in flour. (they had to get 5 out of the bowl)

"Do not try this at home children"

There were some other games that we played, and other people also played, but these were just the highlighted ones. :-)

Monday, April 30, 2007

Far, Far, Away.

I'm really looking forward to this weekend. My cousin Crystal is graduating from College and Tori and I are going down to see her. It should be allot of fun. Well, that is if Tori and I sign a peace treaty before we leave town... :-) No, I'ts not going to be that bad at all. We have been getting along pretty well lately because we like totaly love each other! :o) We leave some time on Friday. I need to go and talk to Tori about what time, but probably in the afternoon, and then we come back on Sunday night. It's going to be one of those killer fun, jam packed, sleepless, type of trips. It's going to take me at least a week to catch up on the sleep I miss, but then it's going to happen all over again because we are going back for my cousin Maria's High school Graduation two weeks after that. So if we were rich people and could miss two weeks of work, it would make sense just to stay down there. But since we live in the real world, we are going to go down, come back, and then go down. Oh ya, we'll probably come back that time too. Maybe. :-) I've really missed our summer trips to Wasilla, last year I didn't get to go as many times as I would have hoped. Having a job and responsability stinks. Well, not really, I kind of thrive on it but that's just me because I'm weird.

Good night you all!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Almost There......

So nothing superbly interesting has been happening with me. Well, at least nothing that I feel like blabbering on about. I'm really excited about being done with school on Monday. Well, actually. I am going to be done by Sunday, so that my Mom can grade all my stuff and have it in to them by Tuesday. I'm not worried though. I just have one chapter in both English and Biology left and then I'm done. I was totaly stressed out on Sunday, for good reason I guess, but I'm ok now that I've actually gotten some school done and I see the end coming soon.

The wedding went really well last Saturday (the one I played the piano for). It all went smoothly and the decorations were beautiful. I would still like to see the DVD though. I feel like it was just another rehersal or something because I couldn't see anything and it went just like we practiced. (well duh.)

I've sent out my Graduation invitations finally. Well, at least most of them. a few I'm waiting on addresses for. Graduation announcements are odd things. I mean, have you really thought about it? It's like ok, let's take a picture of me and put it in these funny looking cards with two envelopes and two seals. (I wonder if they have a how to open a graduation announcement for dummies book?....) And then send it off to a thousand and one people that I don't even know. Hmn. Americans are weird. :-) And really, do these people want a picture of me? I know that I would like to see a picture of my third cousin, twice removed, but does my third cousin, twice removed want to see a picture of me? Well, I guess it doesn't matter, because I didn't send it to that cousin. :o) Just joking folks. I don't have a third cousin, twice removed. I think it was just once removed, and wouldn't that not make them my cousin... deep thought. I'll get back to you on that one. :o}

Oh ya. and I totaly forgot to tell you all. (who ever you all are) that I finally bought a car. Yae for me! It's totaly cute, it's a 2001 PT Cruiser. I always thought that they were stupid looking, I think it had to do with the color of the ones that I saw here in town. But I just so happen to like mine. I might be a bit biased in that opinion though. :-) Someday I'll have to take a picture of it to show you peoples.

Well it's off to do more Biology for me. WooWhoo it's gunna be fun!! Later.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ok, so here is a long line of all the pictures that I have been meaning to post for a while. I'm sure there's more that I'm missing, but oh well! Just so you all know, we were all smiling in that picture. :-D Not that you would have know that we weren't with all of our gear on. And I'm still wondering what Ashley and Foster were looking at....

Here's us....

This is when we went out to the cabin. It was alot of fun. Alot more than I thought it would be! It's funny how we got a picture of Tori and I, and then Ashley and I, but not one of us girls together. Ashley added the comment to me that I had to be in all the pictures. Hmn. ok. Well, I guess it does look like that huh. :-) Well, there are two pictures here that you will have a hard time seeing me in. Ya. that's me at the bottom of the pile up. Oh, oh, there's my boots! And there's my helmet! (thank goodness for the helmet!)It was all fun and games when we were playing football and they tackled me, but then they just kept coming and coming. And we ain't no light family! Let's just say that I had a little difficulty breathing!

It's us!

I love the close ups of the boys, and the one of Ashley and I. :-) The kids are at the Rifle Championship in that other picture. And I'm sure you'll all recognize daddy-o! :-)

More of us....

Starring at the northern lights out in the -40 weather. No I didn't have gloves, and most of us didn't have a hat. So we were totaly unprepared, but we still had one of those spur of the moment family fun things. (Family minus Tori) We were actually on our way to bed and it was really late, but I decided that I would grace the family with my presence on their little escapade. :-) Aren't they just lucky?!

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Random Pictures

I downloaded all of the pictures from our digital the other night, and come to find out Christmas was the last time that they were all deleted. So here are a couple of the more random ones. With more to come....

I can't remember the last time that all three of us girls were in a picture together. None the less smiling!

Ya, so I think that I'll be killed for this one. At least she's smiling! :o}

Man, I love that kid.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Drama? Nah.

Well, I don't have anything to say. Hmn..... I'm busy at work, real busy...... ok so that's really not back hurts, even though I went to the chiropractor yesterday....My mom isn't feeling well,-at all-....I should be doing school.....Yup. I think that's about it. Sorry, nothing too enlightening. :-)

The funny thing about my currently boring life is that when I look at some of my friends' lives and see all the major drama going on. I am sooo happy that I don't have to deal with that.

Ok, enough blabber for the night. Good night to all of you peoples with drama filled lives! And also to you other non-drama people. :o)

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

It Worked!

Well, I finally got my cell phone to send pictures. I think that it was a security issue. Because my email wouldn't receive them, and Tori's email wouldn't receive them, but Mom's email would. Weird. Oh well, at least now I know what my address is so I can go "safe list" it.
Any who, here is a picture of Tori, Grandpa Clark, and I at the hospital last month. He is doing better now, which is a great blessing. He had some stiches in his arm removed last week, and Grandma said that it went well. But it still sounds painful to me.
Well, I need to go, Dad should be back at the office to pick me up soon. Later!

Friday, February 16, 2007

Mood picture

This picture seriously describes my mood right now. Just kind of slowly going down.
Ack! I have to snap out of it, I'm sapposed to be taking the boys to hockey tonight. I may just fall asleep on the bleachers though. :o) I don't think that anyone is going besides us three. Oh well, it will be easier to fall asleep....

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Rain anyone?

I heard this song on the radio the other night. It was some southern gospel something or other. Ya know, the ones that repeat the main words over and over and over and yes, over again at the end of the song, (well you think it's the end until it keeps going on). Anywho, whether the song was long winded or not, I still liked a phrase that they used, [and kept repeating :o)] "When it pours, God Reigns". I don't really know why it caught my attention so much, I must have been having a bad night or something. But it was just encouraging for me to hear that although all of the world says "When it rains, it pours", I, as a christian can say "When it pours, God Reigns".

Well there you have it, Lanae`s deep thought for the day! :-)

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

This is a picture of the company at that General Contractors Bowling thing that we went to last month. Sad to say, but my sister beat me to posting it. But oh well, you people get to see it twice!

FYI Left to right: Jerry(my boss), Gary (Tori's boss), Dad (my boss) ME!, Tori.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

After work tonight Gary, Jerry, Dad, Tori and I all went Bowling on campus again. It is the second time this week that we have all gone. We are all trying to get practiced up for this big bowlathon thing on Saturday for all of the Contractors in town. I have probably only bowled 6 times in my entire life, except the twice this week. It is quite humorous to see Tori and I just kind of waddle up to the line and drop the ball hoping that it goes down towards the pins. While the guys get their form all set up and do the whole aim and slide thing. We aren't actually that bad, but it's still funny.

I think that my family is going to start going together like once a month or something. I am actually really enjoying it. It sounds stupid, but if the university wasn't so far away from work, I would go there and just bowl all by myself on my lunch hours.

Speaking of lunch hours, today I went on lunch and was going to exchange a pair of pants, only to remember that I had left them in my car at home, and I was in Dad's car. And so then I thought that I would do math, but then I go to pull out my math book out of my book bag, and realize it's not there. I'm all like "Eh? Where did it go?" But then I remembered, being the smart person that I am, that I finished my math class last week. der.

So here I am at work once again "cleaning". Which, I'm not really cleaning that much. I've kind of turned it into more of a "management" position. I just make sure that the kids do a good job and then do all of the stuff that they can't do, which isn't really that much.

Well, I'm going to go before the poor children work their little fingers off. Good night all.

Oh hay, does anyone know Noah's blog address? I forgot to get it on Wednesday night at church.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

She's Alive!

Yes my friends, I am alive. I just seem to have no time at all for blogging. It's tramatic, I know.

So update on Lanae`:

Well, uh... hmn. I'm back to my routine of working lots. I really enjoyed just the few days that I had off from christmas and new years. I actually got to sleep in! So now, all I have to do is wait for some other holiday that I get off to come around so that I can get a full night's sleep. Maybe 4th of July or something. But then again, I can't remember a 4th of july that I slept in on.

I am starting my second semester tonight. Well I was going to start it, but then I got on here, so maybe after church... Good news is that I finished off my Math for my entire High school years. woo-whoo. Now I never have to do math again! Well, that is until I go to work tomorrow and my boss is all like so what price per square foot is that? And how many cubic feet is that pallet going to be? And what is the estimated weight for that flat? I can't quite give them this dumb stare of "der, I don't know". Well, I could, and I have, but let's hope that I act like I know what I'm doing a little better next time.

We have a temporary employee helping me at the office right now. She is really nice, and so helpful. It is so nice to have someone else to help me. I am so busy it's rediculous. My poor desk hasn't seen the light of day in weeks. I am continuously clearing papers and puting stuff away, but yet I still end up with about 4 layers of projects. Oh to be superwoman.

Well, as you all know, I could blab on endlessly, but I think that I'm starving so I should go. And if I don't go eat something my stomach is going to start chewing on my backbone. That's another thing. I started my diet again today. Ugh. I really don't like dieting. (positive thoughts Lanae`, positive thoughts) And I could tell you a story about how I set my alarm this morning so that I could work out,(wishful thinking, I know) and as all Lanae`/alarm clock stories go, yes you guessed it, it didn't go off. But don't worry, I'm not going to blab on endlessly about the Alarm clock story. Oh, wait I kind of did. Oops.