Monday, September 10, 2007

Da class

Well I'm going to some class tomorrow night about Foreclosures in Realestate. I am laughing at myself for signing up for it, but hay, it is a totally Lanae` thing to do. :o) My sister thinks I'm nuts for going, but I'm all excited about it. I'm sure that I'm going to learn all kinds of crazy stuff. My Mom warned me not to get sucked into buying some program but I don't think that I'll get too carried away with it all. I don't want to start buying foreclosed properties, I am just interested in learning more about realestate.

There was a bunch of other jibberish that I was going to put on here, but I am going to get some sleep instead. Later my friends.



Rebekah L. said...

You're hilarious!

Anonymous said...

too much time on your hands! love ya' crazy girl.