Monday, October 16, 2006

Today, as most of you know, he whole town didn't have phone or internet service. That's all fine and dandy, except that every one at the office has nothing to do unless we have phones or internet. I did ok since I am working on submittals and I didn't need either of those, but it was still annoying. The phones only rang like 4 times by the select few that actually got through, Eileen and I would jump for the phone like we had never answered one before. It was pretty sad. Speaking of Eileen, please pray for her she is having allot of health problems right now. With out God, I know that I couldn't go through all of the things that she has.

Choir went horrible today. Mr. Trimbal had the choir go out onto the stage so that they could practice for Thursday nights Concert. Which would have been totally harmless besides the point that they were all screaming and jumping around and wouldn't stay in their spots to save their life. And to add to that, the shell behind them was doing a great job of making their shouts even louder. Going through the music was a joke, the stage is attached to the cafeteria where everyone was having lunch so they kept jumping off the risers in the middle of the song and looking out the curtain to see what was going on. The principal ended up coming in and giving a little pep talk about how if they goof off when they practice they won't do as good when they perform. But as you would guess, a bunch of 7 and 8 graders don't really care about what she is saying. I think that they should have written 30 out of the 37 up for detention. But that could be my whole no-tolerance view point coming out. :o)

Well, hopefully tomorrow will be brighter. I'm kind of groggy and slow right now, I think that I just need sleep. Lot's of it. Later


It's a good life said...

Sounds like fun... lol You could definately be a principle Lanae`...haha... i can just see it now. hehe ~emily

Happy Girl said...

You know, I just might be able to! :-) None of the kids would like me though. I don't know why... maybe it would have something to do with my whole "no tolerance" thing. :-)

Aaroneous said...

It was kind of a wake up call for me. We think we're so secure in our technology but all it took was some back-hoe geek severing our fiber optic cable and Alaska is in the dark.

As for the kids, I agree, bunch of stinkin' liberals. "If we disapline the kids it might hinder their delacate inner spirit, then how would they soar?"

Given enough swats they'd never want to land. Lol

Happy Girl said...

My word. Are you not the same guy that said he was going to send his kids to school? You've obviously changed! But yes, I agree, more disapline in the school system would do a world of good.