Saturday, September 30, 2006

Day one!!

Hello everyone. Today we went to the water park and had a blast. I decided to play it smart this trip and use sunblock so that I don't end up burnt. I was kind of worried that I wouldn't get any tan, but I am convinced that I will do fine. How do I know this? You ask. Well, it could have something to do with the fact that I have this ultra funny tan line on my foot from my sandles. And let me tell you! I can't imphasize the fact that it is real funny! I guess that it's a good thing that it will be winter when I get back to AK and I won't have to wear sandles. :-)

Foster was a bit timid to go on the rides at first, but he loosened up later on and suprised both me and Dad. It was real glad that he wasn't a total stick in the mud.

Dad was just looking for a church to go to tomorrow, and can you believe that they actually have an "independent baptist" church here called: banana bay baptist church? I've heard some pretty funny names but none that crazy yet. Are they actually on the bay? And does every one hang out on the beach after church? or better yet to they have church out side? Sorry for the sarcasm, it just seemed really funny to me. :o)

We are going to Disney World on Monday. We weren't planning on going, but Dad can't stand the fact that we're taking Foster to Florida and skipping Disney world. Thus, we're going.

I have this pounding headache. I don't know where it came from, all I know is that I hope it's gone by morning. And I guess that in order for that to be a possibility I should probably get some sleep. So until next time.

P.S. the hotel here is pretty nice and very clean, which is always a plus.:-) I was kind of worried this morning though when I let the water run for over 30 minutes and it never got warm. I haven't had to take a cold shower in a long time. And I don't think that I've missed anything.:-) when I asked about it down at the front they said that it was because the boiler went down this morning, but it will be fixed by tonight. So I am definitly looking forward to a "Warm" shower tomorrow.


It's a good life said...

hey... can i comment? have you asked your dad? tell me in your next blog... at the very end just say yes or no... ill understand. i love you. ~emily

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are having fun!
Especially glad to hear the hotel is clean...
I went to church this morning, but Tori had to bring me home 30 minutes into Sunday School. I can't bear the nauseated feeling I have.
Hope you have fun at Disney tomorrow.
Did you find Cato's yet?
Love you.

blondevue... said...

whata' name! Is that the church that you all went to?

Happy Girl said...

I haven't actually had a chance to ask him yet. Sorry, I will tonight. Thanks for checking though. :-)

Happy Girl said...

Mom, I'm sorry that you haven't been feeling well. When are you going to the doctor? Or were you smart and already went? :-) I'm praying for you. Love you lot's!

Anonymous said...

I just returned from Dr. McAfee's. I told him it seemed like I was forgetting to breathe a little, could he check my blood pressure, etc. My blood pressure was a little high. But that is no big deal since he had just adjusted me. (Who's wouldn't be high after having their neck snapped and their toes popped!!!) Anyway, he said my left lung doesn't sound good and if I start feeling worse to go see a doctor. Weird thing is, I didn't start coughing until after I left there and now it is only a small amount.
Enough about me-- How was your day? I assume you are in Tampa tonight. Enjoy that nice hotel.
Love you.