Monday, September 18, 2006

the sun is shining!!

Well, It's a beautiful day here, and I am quite enjoying it. It is so warm that I even had to use airconditioner in my car during lunch. Now that's talking about a heat wave! Speaking of lunch, choir went well, (as well as you would expect a public middle school choir). But I still need to talk to the lady in the office. She was on the phone when I went in to see her, so I'll have to come back another day. She left a bunch of paper work on the piano for me last Friday, and didn't explain what it all meant. So I need her to tell me what I need to fill out. One thing that I did understand is that I will need to get a back ground check done. Who knows what kind of a life I've lead for these last 17 years! I'm real excited about standing in line at the DMV for 3 hours, as you would expect. :-) I'm headed off to go home and clean my room. Yaaa! I also have bible institute class tonight. I am taking Bro. McBrooms class. I don't remember what it's called, but surely that's not important right? I hope every one is having a fabulous day!


Suzie said...

Hi lanae!!
I just wanted to let you know my family has sort of started a blog:O)I'm not sure how many of us will end up posting on it but we'll see what happens:O)So if you want to check it out it's .I'm the only on who has posted so far and I'm not sure how well I did so tell me what you think :O)
It has been a pretty day hasn't it :O) Have a good time cleaning your room :O) we all know how much fun that is!!!! :O) Talk to you latOr :O) Love you!! Kriss

Suzie said...

Hi lanae!!
I just wanted to let you know my family has sort of started a blog:O)I'm not sure how many of us will end up posting on it but we'll see what happens:O)So if you want to check it out it's .I'm the only on who has posted so far and I'm not sure how well I did so tell me what you think :O)
It has been a pretty day hasn't it :O) Have a good time cleaning your room :O) we all know how much fun that is!!!! :O) Talk to you latOr :O) Love you!! Kriss

Rebekah L. said...

Hey Lanee,
Thanks for the comment, it always makes me super happy to know that someone outside of Texas is reading my blog.. :O)
we've been having some super weather here too, down in the eighties, just goregous. I was about to die a couple weeks ago it was SOOOOOOOOOOOO HOT!!!!
So how are things going? How on earth are you going to possibly fit any more things into your schedule? Miss you..

Rebekah L. said...

No...not yet. Hopefully next year at some point. :O)