Thursday, September 21, 2006

It is funny how all through the day while I'm working, I come up with things that I could post on my blog, but then when I get off of work and go to post. It's It just kind of dawns on me that either no one really wants to hear about what I was going to post. Or, I have already forgotton what it was! Usually the latter of the two. :-} So, to all of you expecting to see something actually interesting on my blog...well...maybe tomorrow.


Radar said...

I have to admit that usually I dont have much to say so I find creative ways of saying nothing at all. I have to admit I have managed to enjoy your comments...they manage to bring a smile to my day. Thanks!!

Happy Girl said...

I'm really glad to hear that!:-)Making people smile is actually something I'm quite fond of.

It's a good life said...

hey you, whenever you read this... i really don't care if you have nothing whatsoever to talk about! Get postin'!! lol jk I have been on here everyday... seeing what your up to... and all i get is September 21st old news... like yesterdays old turkey! lol what have you been up to lately... i know you must be pretty busy with work and classes, and getting ready to leave... by the way, when are you gtting back? i love you girlie... ~emily