Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Not quite a happy day.

Well, I didn't go to work until like 1 today. I wasn't feeling to well last night after my doctors appointment, and epecially not well this morning. I always thought that I dealt with pain ok, but I'm having doubts now! Once I finally got to work, I hobbled around for a while and I was glad that I went in, but it is definitely good to be home. Dad and the kids are out on a bike ride right now, and I really need to go and clean my room. Sydney might throw a fit tomorrow if I don't. Hopefully next time I get on here I will have a clean room! Later,


Rebekah L. said...

Hey gorgeous!
So what's wrong with you? What's up with the hobbling? I know it's not old age yet...that would be me.
Well feel free to come OD on sunshine down here anytime you want. :O)
Of course its not crazy that I miss you...
Hey woman you still owe me some pictures from my shower!!! If you send the negatives or over the internet or whatever I'll print them, Ive been wanting to start my wedding scrapbook but I'd like to start with the shower first. Well, I know things get crazy. ;O) Love you

Rebekah L. said...

oh yeah...so I know Tori has a blog. Who else? Im starved for information cause nobody ever writes... :O)

Happy Girl said...

hmn. well about those pictures...I have them, I actually have triples of them. But...I am horrible about procrastinating. I tried putting together a scrap book for you like I said I would. I tried really hard. But I am not a scrap booker as much as I want to be. I made it as easy for myself as possible. I bought one of those premade scrap books where all you have to do is cut and paste your pictures. But the problem is that all of the pictures look the same. You smiling, a girl next to you smiling. You smiling, a Mom next to you smiling. And on and on they go. every one smiling. I'm sure that those pictures would mean allot to the people with you, because they won't be seeing the other 30 pictures that look exactly like theirs, but trying to put together a book of all the same pictures was a little pathetic. I was going to go and have one of the girls in church that is good at scrap booking do it. But I couldn't decide who, and I work 53 hours a week now. So I don't really have much time to think about it. I have had this really bad feeling in my stomach since I started corrosponding with you a few days ago. Because I knew that you were going to ask about the pictures, and I didn't have a very good excuse. So, the moral of the sob story is that I'm sorry. And I am just going to send you your copies of the pictures as well as that stupid scrap book that is sapposed to have pictures in it. And then one of these days, I am going to send out the pictures to each individual person that took their picture with you. But that might be a while, seeing as no one has asked for them, and have probably forgotten. But hay, at least it is on my to-do list, and I am good at following lists. :-) You can go ahead and chew me out for the lame excuse. I do really feel bad. :-( I tell my self that I will do better every time that I take on a job like this. Such as the pictures for the church's sweet heart banquet that I never gave out... :-(

Happy Girl said...

Wow, well that was quite a long post. And I didn't even answer the hobble question. Not that I think you really want to know. But I had a few warts on my foot and I have been going to the doctor's for the last month and a half to get them off. It's a very painful experiance. They put this acid on it, and then 4-6 hours later I wash it off. And then the acid gives you a chemical burn and the whole thing blisters really deep until all you have is flesh, and you wait 2 weeks for it to heal, and then go back to the doctors again and do it all over. It hurt so bad that I passed out when I was washing it off the first time. Let's just say that the bruise on my head didn't feel that great either. And the second time I fealt like I was going to throw up, so I stayed home from work that morning. And this last time (Monday) I couldn't sleep it hurt so bad. And I have been limping around for the last two days so my ankle really hurts since it hasn't been straight. And the only shoes that I can wear are my uglyer than dirt "Rics" you may be familiar with Crocs. But all I can say is I look pretty stupid with my little dress clothes on and gardening shoes! Allot of people wear them up here, but I'm sure that you remember a little bit abount how preppy I can be. :-) So that's the story behind the hobble. I'm sure that you could have lived your whole life with out hearing it. :-)
Well, I really need to go home and feed the kids dinner, and make sure every one is ready for church. But thank you for writing me. You're the only one that has gotten on here so far. Sob, sob...