Thursday, September 13, 2007

Don't Worry Be Happy!

Ok ya'll. You need to go down under my links and click on the 'Don't Worry Be Happy" link. It's real cute. I tried just posting it on my blog but it was trying to have me post 4 at a time, so whatever, I'm feeling a little technology challenged. :-)


Rebekah L. said...

Hey Lanae,
So how did your real estate class go?
Yeah, I can have whatever shipped right to you!! I'm still learning all this stuff but the lady im talking to said i can have it shipped directly to you if you have a book party and if you just want to order one or two things i can also do it, it just may take a couple days longer. But not much!! Yay!!

kim said...

lol...that was pretty cute!

Kassandra said...

That was so super cute! :o) Loved
it. Hope you're having a good day. :o) Love you.

Rebekah L. said...

can you send me your email address? I dont have can get mine from Tori so you can email it to me. :O) PRobably dont want to post it online.... ;o)