I heard this song on the radio the other night. It was some southern gospel something or other. Ya know, the ones that repeat the main words over and over and over and yes, over again at the end of the song, (well you think it's the end until it keeps going on). Anywho, whether the song was long winded or not, I still liked a phrase that they used, [and kept repeating :o)] "When it pours, God Reigns". I don't really know why it caught my attention so much, I must have been having a bad night or something. But it was just encouraging for me to hear that although all of the world says "When it rains, it pours", I, as a christian can say "When it pours, God Reigns".
Well there you have it, Lanae`s deep thought for the day! :-)
wow.thank you.
i love you,
That was good, I think that I have heard that song? I am not sure though, Well hope that you have a great week!
Love ya'
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