Monday, December 11, 2006

It's a keeper!

Well my friends, I have finally found my hobby(s). Yes, I have always liked playing the piano and it is a great stress relief, but I can't quite drag a piano with me everywhere I go, and even if I could, it's a bit loud. Thus I have found my new hobby: Crocheting while I watch the Law and Order series.

Laurel just taught me how to crochet on Saturday. It was allot of fun spending time with her. The only bummer out of the deal was that as I was getting started to leave, I realized that I had skipped every other stitch, so I then had a scarf only half the size that I wanted it. Ugg. But it's all good because I started all over again last night while I watched Law and Order.

And while we're on the note of the show that I said I loved. Let me clarify that I understand that not all of their shows are good, and since I rent them instead of watching them on TV, I can skip the ones that I don't like.

Well, I need to go do some math before Bible Institute tonight. Oh, and maybe even memorize a verse or two out of the 9 that I was assigned. Hmn. Wishful thinking. :-)


blondevue... said...

maybe if you watched less of the show, you'd get more verses!
well then again, I guess if I focused more,,,I'd be ready for my finals this week! lol!
I guess I shouldn't talk,,,actually I am proud of you for being in bed last night before 1AM. You did better than I...
love ya, and have a great day at work,,,

It's a good life said...

I want to learn too! I just need a teacher. lol Darling... I love you. (Remember that one night at church... when I tolded you to really think about it... not to just hear it and not really know it? Well... that's where I was trying to get with this one! lol)
Your always crazy friend, ~em

It's a good life said...

Whats up with you not posting, hmm?? No, no, no, no... I don't want to hear your excuses... =P lol I miss and love you,... Merry Christmas! Tell your family I said "hi" and Merry Christmas...