Monday, October 09, 2006

I'm back!!

Well I got back this afternoon around 5'ish. I have tons and tons to post but I am so tired. Not as tired as I thought I would be, but it's like almost 1 in the morning my time and I have to work tomorrow. So I'll fill every one in tomorrow night. But just FYI: I had a blast. Florida isn't as lame as I thought that it would be and I even want to go back. Well I really need to get to bed because if I'm not careful I'll blab on for an hour or two. So farewell for now.


Radar said...

Welcome back to the Interior. Hope your flight back was good. Cathc you later. Radar

Rebekah L. said...

Welcome back Lanae!! I've loved reading about your trip!!
Sounds awesome!