Saturday, September 16, 2006

ok, so I just tried to put a counter on my web page. But I don't think that I did. Ugh. I don't know what happened to it, it should be there at the bottom of the page.'s not. Oh well, I've wasted enough time trying to figure it out. It's off to do english for me!! Oh the fun.


Radar said...

If you need some help let me know...

Happy Girl said...

Thanks Cody,
I may be takeing you up on that offer pretty soon. :-) My counter somehow appeared on the page, but it looks pretty stupid since it's on the top instead of on the bottom. And I want to change the style too, it's a little bigger than I thought it would be. :-)

Rebekah L. said...

Hey atleast you got it on there!! All you have to do is move the code to the bottom of the template and it'll show up on the bottom.
Some of the hits are from me...I usually check every day. So see, you are loved!!! :O)

Happy Girl said...

Do you mean draging it? Because I tried that and it didn't work, copying and pasting didn't either. And, what code are we talking about? :-l

blondevue... said...

your so funny lanae', you sound like me when I first got my blog. I'll show you tonight...hopefully I can do that I've said something! :-P