That's it. I quit!!!! I have been trying to get a template besides the lamo ones that blogger gives you to chose from and I just can't! I don't know how you peoples do it, but you somehow manage to get these all so creative templates, when here I am, stuck trying to figure out where to find a unique template, none the less put a profile picture on! So just in the case that someone missed it, a while back I put a comment (aka. a hint) about not knowing how to add a profile picture and really, really, really, (did I mention really?) wanting to know how to add one. (aka. a flat out cry of desparation, not just a hint) And would anyone come to the helpless aid of Lanae`? Oh no, no no, my friends, that's not a happenin'! Lanae's stuck trying to meander her way through blog world trying to add a picture all on her lonesome. So, without further ado, *big, pleading, kitty cat eyes*please people, a little technical help here!
Oh, goodness. It totaly just hit me!!! You guys are trying to help me by not showing me how to add a profile picture! See the logic behind that is that if you don't show me how to put one on, then when I post to other peoples blogs, randomly passing by people won't be afraid to come to my site because I have a picture of me to scare them away. Ahhhh, I get it. That makes sense. Thanks guys, what true friends you all are! :o)
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Nothin new, yet I post.
So there's not been anything too exciting going on w/me. I'm to work early today. That's exciting! Granted I had to wake up 30 minutes early to get this blessed feeling of being the only one in the office this early. I don't think that I'll be making too much of a habit about it. :-)
Mom and the kids have been sick all week and I'm hoping that they hurry up and get over all that so that I never get it. Every morning I feel nauseous and contemplate whether it's a sick day or not but for some reason I start to feel better so I end up going to work after all. I tell you, I can't even convince myself that I'm sick enough to stay home.
I have a massage scheduled for this afternoon. I'm pretty excited about that one. I haven't had one professional done before but our insurance deductable has been payed off for quite some time so I decided that since it wasn't going to cost very much I might as well go for it since my back has been acting weird and I'll be in there for a chiropractor adjustment anyways.
well I am hearing other work force peoples coming in so I shall go. ta ta for now
Mom and the kids have been sick all week and I'm hoping that they hurry up and get over all that so that I never get it. Every morning I feel nauseous and contemplate whether it's a sick day or not but for some reason I start to feel better so I end up going to work after all. I tell you, I can't even convince myself that I'm sick enough to stay home.
I have a massage scheduled for this afternoon. I'm pretty excited about that one. I haven't had one professional done before but our insurance deductable has been payed off for quite some time so I decided that since it wasn't going to cost very much I might as well go for it since my back has been acting weird and I'll be in there for a chiropractor adjustment anyways.
well I am hearing other work force peoples coming in so I shall go. ta ta for now
Friday, September 14, 2007
So my real estate class went OK. I can definitely say that I was the youngest person there. It went pretty much like I thought it would. I already knew everything that they taught, but it was still a good thing to get me moving again, I seem to get a little distracted sometimes and forget about my goals. :0) Any who, they almost talked me into going down to their 3 day seminar which is six hours away. One of the days is on a Sunday so I decided against it. But my was it oh so tempting! Har har, "We are going to give you a three day seminar worth $3,000 for only this one time incredible price of $199! And plus you get to bring a friend or mate for free! But wait, there's more! You also you get our 'start now' kit so that you can go home and start today! complete with 30 legal contract forms to make you completely sure that your contracts work for you, the investor, and not against you!" Yup, it was that good. So, I guess I'll just sum it up by saying that I would totally do it again. I know, I'm weird. :-) So folks, you now know that if you have some ultra boring seminar/speech/class that you have to go to, you should seriously invite me, because you know I would still make it fun. :-)
Dad gets home some time tomorrow from hunting so maybe I'll start to get some sleep again. :-) I've been getting less than 6 hours of sleep all week, and about an average of 5 each night. As pastor says "when the cat's away the mice play". Funny thing is that all of the times that I was up until past midnight this week was when I was either doing laundry at the laundry mat, or cleaning. Aren't you entirely jealous of the oh so exciting life I live?! :-) Off to do more laundry my friends....
Dad gets home some time tomorrow from hunting so maybe I'll start to get some sleep again. :-) I've been getting less than 6 hours of sleep all week, and about an average of 5 each night. As pastor says "when the cat's away the mice play". Funny thing is that all of the times that I was up until past midnight this week was when I was either doing laundry at the laundry mat, or cleaning. Aren't you entirely jealous of the oh so exciting life I live?! :-) Off to do more laundry my friends....
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Don't Worry Be Happy!
Ok ya'll. You need to go down under my links and click on the 'Don't Worry Be Happy" link. It's real cute. I tried just posting it on my blog but it was trying to have me post 4 at a time, so whatever, I'm feeling a little technology challenged. :-)
Monday, September 10, 2007
Da class
Well I'm going to some class tomorrow night about Foreclosures in Realestate. I am laughing at myself for signing up for it, but hay, it is a totally Lanae` thing to do. :o) My sister thinks I'm nuts for going, but I'm all excited about it. I'm sure that I'm going to learn all kinds of crazy stuff. My Mom warned me not to get sucked into buying some program but I don't think that I'll get too carried away with it all. I don't want to start buying foreclosed properties, I am just interested in learning more about realestate.
There was a bunch of other jibberish that I was going to put on here, but I am going to get some sleep instead. Later my friends.
There was a bunch of other jibberish that I was going to put on here, but I am going to get some sleep instead. Later my friends.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Family Reunion Pictures...finally!
This top picture is of Grandma and Grandpa Clark and all of us others at the reunion this July. We're all squashed in there, so I'm not going to try and tell you the names of all of us peoples in this picture, you'll have to look down in the other pictures to find out who goes with who.

Top left is Ella, top right is Leah, and Uncle Charlie and Auntie Julie are sitting with Grandma and Grandpa.
Top left is Ella, top right is Leah, and Uncle Charlie and Auntie Julie are sitting with Grandma and Grandpa.
We have Uncle Sam, Auntie Cheryll and Zach w/Grandpa and Grandma.
And here we have Sleepy, and Dopey, and Grumpy, and... oh wait, this is my family, not the seven dwarfs, sorry. :0)
Uncle Daniel, Edik and Kendra, w/Grandma and Grandpa. Unfortunately, Aunt Jo had to go back home for work so she's not in this picture.
This is Grandpa's shed that we added onto, or rather, the shed that the Uncles added onto. The rest of us did easy labor such as getting rocks (illegally?) from the beach. 
More Family Reunion Pictures.
All of us grandchildren were out on the beach collecting rocks for the shed they were adding onto at Grandpa's. I'm not sure if it was legal or not, but I think that the beach still looked pretty full when we were done. So no harm done there. As you can see, the picture taker, Auntie Julie, has a thing for dramatic action poses. I'm sure that none of you will have no problem seeing how our personalities are related. :0)
-Left to right we have Ella, Kendra and Ashley-
-Left to right we have Edik, Foster, and Mason (who you can tell isn't really getting into this)- Edik is a kid from Georgia, Russia that comes and stays with my Uncle Daniel for about six weeks every year. He's not family, but he sure is a kick to be around. Foster and him didn't have too much problems getting over the language barrier thing. It was really hard to see them leave because it's very unlikely that we see him again. 
While we were down there, Auntie Julie and Ella took Tori, Mason and I, on a hike. It wasn't your usual hike, she told us that it was a seven mile beach walk. It is about 2 miles on a trail down to the ocean and then flat hard sand after that. Ok, that sounds fine, but come to find out that was actually 9 miles total and the flat hard sand is only there at extreme low tide. And since we went at high tide we ended up hiking on soft sand (not the kind that you walk barefoot in), soft gravel and huge rocks that you had to climb over part of the time. All of these pictures were taken with in the first 5 miles of the hike, and it's a good thing that we didn't take any after pictures because I'm sure that I wasn't looking the brightest. All in all it was a good hike because I was able to spend time with my cousin and auntie, and I also got a great leg workout. But I think that next time we'll have to spend a little more quality time together on the lawn or something. :0)
There was about 21 of these Sea Lions sitting all together on rocks. They didn't seam like they were very far away, but it was rather hard to tell since one splash of water looked like the next.
This is my lovely cousin Ella with Auntie Julie.
This was taken on the part of the hike before we actually hit the beach.
There were the coolest rocks on the beach, I probably could have crawled up and slept for hours by this point of the hike.
-Left to right we have Ella, Kendra and Ashley-
While we were down there, Auntie Julie and Ella took Tori, Mason and I, on a hike. It wasn't your usual hike, she told us that it was a seven mile beach walk. It is about 2 miles on a trail down to the ocean and then flat hard sand after that. Ok, that sounds fine, but come to find out that was actually 9 miles total and the flat hard sand is only there at extreme low tide. And since we went at high tide we ended up hiking on soft sand (not the kind that you walk barefoot in), soft gravel and huge rocks that you had to climb over part of the time. All of these pictures were taken with in the first 5 miles of the hike, and it's a good thing that we didn't take any after pictures because I'm sure that I wasn't looking the brightest. All in all it was a good hike because I was able to spend time with my cousin and auntie, and I also got a great leg workout. But I think that next time we'll have to spend a little more quality time together on the lawn or something. :0)
There was about 21 of these Sea Lions sitting all together on rocks. They didn't seam like they were very far away, but it was rather hard to tell since one splash of water looked like the next.
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