Graduation was fun, but I think that I had the most fun afterwards at the party at the church. Let's just say that my dad can pick some awsome games... :0)

Kassandra and I bobbing for ding dongs in milk. (our version of bobbing for apples, way funner, and a bit sweeter too.)
We did one of those skits where you have two people behind a sheet, one person is the head and uses their hands for the feet, and the other person is the hands. What they were acting out, was Heidi, Tobi, and I growing up. We (Kassandra played the girls and Mike played Tobi) had to learn how to dress ourselves, feed ourselves, read our bibles, shave, put makeup on, etc. Here's just a few of the pictures:

That's Mike on the left (not the right, silly) with Jordan being his hands, and that's Kassandra on the right, with Tori being her hands.

Apparently Tori thought that Kassandra needed more lip gloss!

Mike learns how to shave.

This is Jordan and Mike "bobbing" for marshmellows in flour. (they had to get 5 out of the bowl)
"Do not try this at home children"
There were some other games that we played, and other people also played, but these were just the highlighted ones. :-)